Friday, July 29, 2011

Dancing Flowers

This little design still draws lots of comments. My daughter renamed it "Dancing Flowers", and I accepted that. With its simplistic flowers, its Cletic vines, and its full-bodied leaves, it somehow seems to draw people in. I hope you enjoy it.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Frame Border

I try not to do the same thing over and over, so I keep trying new ideas. This is one of them - a framing border for letters, quotes, or other drawings. This one also took on the knotted look, and more than one person has found it pleasing enough to want a quote or Scripture passage using this for the border.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Redraw 3

Here is another example of my desire to improve. The first image was an early attempt to do an orca in the Haida style. Some of the other elements I threw in are decidedly non-Haida, not that that fact bothers me. I frequently throw non-Hiada items into my Haida-style drawings. But the original is rather crude, and the items are not well balanced, so I decided to redraw it.

When I did, I decided to add some water. There is very little to go on in drawing water that could be considered "Hiada", so I improvised, and I liked the result. What do you think?

Friday, July 8, 2011

Redraw 2

Among the other pieces that I decided to redraw was one which reminded me of a certain toy we used when I was young that many remember. For some reaon lost in the depths of the dim and murky past, I decided to use only red and blue on this one, and it worked well. The alternating colors, along with the overlapping arcs, make this another of those that people stop on and say, "I made something like that when I was a kid."

It's nice to know that I'm only 40 years behind them in my artistic endeavors.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

A good book to read

In case you'd like a good book to read, you ought to check this one out (okay, you ought to buy it). Yes, Sarah is my daughter, and this is her first release. It is not her first book. She started writing a long time ago. This one, though, is exceptionally well done.


Friday, July 1, 2011

Eagle Scout Badge

Today I begin a month-long art exhibit at the Public Library in Georgetown, TX. This is one fo the designs that will NOT be present. I do not sell this one. I am an Eagle Scout, and I have always liked the design of the eagle badge, so I did this one for me. I have, however, given some of these away. If you are anywhere near Georgetown, TX during the month of July 2011, stop by the Public Library and see some of my art close up.