Friday, October 21, 2011


As you can see, this item is three years old. I wanted to do more than just a geometrical design, so I added in a couple of dragons, trying to keep them as alike as possible, which is rather difficult. But it was close enough that a number of people seem to like them.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Scripture and Haida

Having liked the sun image that I described once before, and knowing that the Haida often use almost the same image for the sun and the moon, I thought I would also try something similar. I placed a gutter between them to keep them separate, but then I thought that they might make a wonderful Scripture illustration. Psalm 72:5 fit perfectly -

"Let them fear You while the sun endures, and as long as the moon, thoughout all generations."

Friday, October 7, 2011

Braided Border

Early in my work on borders I tried creating a "braid" that I could use for a border, placing different designs on the strands thereof. None of them are particularly memorable, but this one might well be the best of the lot.

Perhaps you can take the idea and create one that is worth using repeatedly. I'd enjoy seeing what you do.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Trinity Logo

As I indicated last week, I was inspired by a previous drawing to take the Trinity symbol out and use it alone. Actually, I have used this both alone and with wording around it for an organization with which some of my children are affiliated. Since it has meaning to an entire organization, quite a few people like it. It was also chosen by another organization to be the logo on t-shirts that they made up for their members. It will probably continue to be widely used.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Redraw 4

Another of the items that I decided to redraw was this design. It includes an old, old symbol of the Trinity (used, among other places, at Trinity Church in New York City, as seen in the movie "National Treasure"). Even after having redrawn this one, I wasn't all that crazy about it. However, it did inspire me to do yet another piece, which you will see next week.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Duck 2

Having done the regular duck, I decided that I needed a Haida duck. Since I already had the outline of a normal duck, I went with that and just filled in the interior with Haida designs. I happen to like it, but I've never met anyone else who does.

Friday, September 9, 2011


I have friends, relatives, and neighbors who happen to like ducks. For them, I wanted to draw a duck, and I didn't want it to be stylized or abstract. However, sticking to my doodling, I still did it with many, many small strokes rather than larger ones. I also incorporated a pencil, something I don't often do. Many people have been pleased with the result.

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Owl - Me

You may have noticed that I use this as my "photo." I wanted to do an owl, and this cross between a stylized owl (first seen during my college years), the Haida red and black, and the Celtic cross-hatching just plain struck my fancy. Actually, the irises and the talons are influenced by the Haida style, but the rest is just doodling done in the nicely contrasting black and red.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Favorite Verse

My favorite verse has been III John 4 since long before I had children. It should be no surprise, then, that this is one of hte first Scripture verses that I did. I was still heavily into the geometrical designs (since my others were still rather questionable), and I had the idea of opposing peaks with a verse wrapped between the two. I enjoyed doing this one.

Friday, August 19, 2011


We have hummingbirds at our house through much of hte year, and they are so much fun to watch. I decided to draw this for one of my children, and quite a few other people like it.

You will notice that I signed it twice. Just for grins, I signed with each color that I used. I've done this on more than one drawing, but on this one I alternated the colors between signature and the year of the drawing.

Friday, August 12, 2011

The Sun

The sun is a common element in Haida art, and it takes numerous shapes and styles. You will see it depicted variously in my drawings as well. This one is one of the designs that I personally find more pleasing, but to which others seem to be almost wholly indifferent. That doesn't bother me, since I do the Haida designs for myself. I just find it interesting.

Friday, August 5, 2011


A friend of mine recently built a new house. I had given him some enlargements of severl of my Haida designs, which he likes, but he said that he would really like a redfish. Just for him, I drew this one and gave him the first enlargement. I was surprised to find that, other than family photos, mine is the only art hanging in his new house. That could change, but I feel honored.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Dancing Flowers

This little design still draws lots of comments. My daughter renamed it "Dancing Flowers", and I accepted that. With its simplistic flowers, its Cletic vines, and its full-bodied leaves, it somehow seems to draw people in. I hope you enjoy it.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Frame Border

I try not to do the same thing over and over, so I keep trying new ideas. This is one of them - a framing border for letters, quotes, or other drawings. This one also took on the knotted look, and more than one person has found it pleasing enough to want a quote or Scripture passage using this for the border.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Redraw 3

Here is another example of my desire to improve. The first image was an early attempt to do an orca in the Haida style. Some of the other elements I threw in are decidedly non-Haida, not that that fact bothers me. I frequently throw non-Hiada items into my Haida-style drawings. But the original is rather crude, and the items are not well balanced, so I decided to redraw it.

When I did, I decided to add some water. There is very little to go on in drawing water that could be considered "Hiada", so I improvised, and I liked the result. What do you think?

Friday, July 8, 2011

Redraw 2

Among the other pieces that I decided to redraw was one which reminded me of a certain toy we used when I was young that many remember. For some reaon lost in the depths of the dim and murky past, I decided to use only red and blue on this one, and it worked well. The alternating colors, along with the overlapping arcs, make this another of those that people stop on and say, "I made something like that when I was a kid."

It's nice to know that I'm only 40 years behind them in my artistic endeavors.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

A good book to read

In case you'd like a good book to read, you ought to check this one out (okay, you ought to buy it). Yes, Sarah is my daughter, and this is her first release. It is not her first book. She started writing a long time ago. This one, though, is exceptionally well done.


Friday, July 1, 2011

Eagle Scout Badge

Today I begin a month-long art exhibit at the Public Library in Georgetown, TX. This is one fo the designs that will NOT be present. I do not sell this one. I am an Eagle Scout, and I have always liked the design of the eagle badge, so I did this one for me. I have, however, given some of these away. If you are anywhere near Georgetown, TX during the month of July 2011, stop by the Public Library and see some of my art close up.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Russian Cathedral

Just for fun I drew a Russian cathedral, components of which are reminescent of St Basil's, though some are borrowed from van de Verlosser. Others are right out of the admittedly strange thoughts of my own brain.

Well, some people do actually like this drawing. Really!

Friday, June 17, 2011


One of my children asked for Hebrews 4:12 to be in a drwaing with a sword and shield. Though this one did not take a long time to do, it is one of the best-selling and most requested of my drawings. The sword in this was inspired by an actual sword that I got for my 50th birthday.

Friday, June 10, 2011

More Borders

Among the borders that I like ot use is this one that was inspired by an English knot garden. The winding paths have that Celtic look (at least, that's what a number of friends have told me - they seem to think that most of my art is Celtic). Although the flowers are small and simple, most people seem to like this, especially if they receive a letter written on it.

Friday, June 3, 2011


Some of the most satisfying works that I do are the florals. Although I do a variety of different florals, as well as using flowers to adorn borders for letters or quotations, it is these solid fields that bring the most satisfaction. Perhaps it is because they are rich in detail. Perhaps it is because they take much longer than many of the others and bring a sense of relief when done. Quite a few people like these, so I know that it is not just me.

One thing, though. I don't do flowers well from the side or from other angles. If you have some hints that might help me there, I'd appreciate them. Thank you.

Friday, May 27, 2011


I enjoy the Haida style of art, and many of these I do for myself. One or two have been suggested by others, but most of them I do because I like to see them on my wall at work. Above is one example.
The outline of the fish is distinctly non-Haida, while most of the internal elements are Haida. The water is my own design, and though it fits with the theme, I have not seen such on any Haida paintings. I used different water in several other designs, none of which are any closer to being true Haida. Let me know what you think.

Friday, May 20, 2011


As I posted some time ago, my first doodles were little more than the random doodles that one might produce in a meeting that went too long. Most of them were on lined paper - not the best for producing art-quality prints. However, a few of these early designs were pleasing in their own ways, even if they were rough and lopsided and lined. So I went back to a few of them and redrew them with a little more care and a little more steady hand.
Above is one such design. A number of people pause on it when looking through my designs. There is obviously something pleasing about it to others as well. What do you think about it? Please let me know. Thank you so much.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My Shield

Sometimes I forget that I have a shield. Family members get hurt; people at work play strange political games; sickness strikes; things break down; my memory fails (especially bad when it is something important, like taxes or insurance). Even some of these things seem unimportant when others are facing death (like we did in 2001 with one of our children). Things happen to all of us. We all have painful things - physically, emotionally, socially, etc. - in our lives. They all shape us. The question is: Do they shape us for better or for worse?

For me, I KNOW that they all work for my good, for I have the Shield about me. Even those things that others intend for evil against me, God will use for my good. His plans for me are good. The plans others may have for me, He will change for my good. Even having a child at death's door brought opportunities for me to minister to others that never would have happened otherwise.

Also, I will not know, this side of eternity, all those things that MIGHT have happened but were defelected by God's protection.

I pray that you will know God's protection as well.

- R -

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Stained Glass Doodle

Quite a few people have told me that this looks like stained glass to them (or rather a doodle rendition of a stained glass window). To me it was fun to doodle, but filling a page takes a long time - quite a few hours. But any long work, once done, gives me a satisfaction that the less detailed ones do not. Let me know what you think.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Some doodles are just more fun for me than others. I like the Haida style, though I've added my own flair. Maybe I should come up with a new term - "Holmaida", "Haidman", or some such. Or maybe I should leave well enough alone and just have fun with my doodles. Let me know what you think.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Flags-N-Starts Doodle #2

Here is the second doodle of flags and stars. You can see how similar it is to the first one, but I like it better, since the flags are not truncated. I made a 16" x 20" enlargement for my State Representative, and he really liked it. He is having it professionally framed to hang in his office at the capitol.
I hope that you will try one. I'd enjoy seeing your efforts.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Patriotic Doodle Dandy

I have been asked to do some patriotic doodles, so here is one of my first attempts. I didn't like cutting off part of a flag, so I re-did one very similar, but I still like this one as well. I'd like your thoughts on it.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I have made some progress! I now have items on display in one restaurant and at least one office in our state Capitol.

I have also made progress here, because I can post again! So I want to share one of my creations with you while I can.
I trust that you enjoy these and that they will inspire you to do some of your own.